The purpose of the blog is to document my external learning of Developmental Biology. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Floppy Baby Syndrome

What an odd name, right? It is also known as Floppy Infant Syndrome. Take a wild guess at why it is called that.. When the baby is born, it looks and feels like it is a ragdoll. You can see that in the picture below.

The condition that the baby has is hypotonia, decreased muscle tone. As the baby grows, it will have delayed motor development, bad motor control, and possible weakness. There is a myriad of causes for this condition. If something goes wrong at any part of the development of the nervous system in utero, then may develop. There may be central disorders or peripheral disorders that cause this. Some are listed below for each:

Central Disorders: intracranial hemorrhage, metabolic errors, genetics, or even chromosomal abnormalities

Peripheral Disorders: anterior horn abnormalities, meuromuscular junctions, muscle, or even a peripheral nerve

Unfortunately, there is no treatment or cure for this syndrome.

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