The purpose of the blog is to document my external learning of Developmental Biology. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Brain

Use the photo above in reference to the definitions given below.

Pons - This is a part of the brainstem. It is located between the midbrain and medulla oblongata. The pons develop from the metencephalon. Some of its functions include the sense such as taste and hearing, and touch. It also functions in equilibrium, mastication, lacrimation, and salivary secretions.

Medulla Oblongata - This is the lower part of the brainstem that is located underneath the pons. The medulla developed from the myelencephalon. Some of its functions include roles in the autonomous nervous system: reflexes, pressure receptors, chemoreceptors, and regulation of the heart.

Midbrain - This is the upper part of the brainstem. It develops from the mesencephalon. It produces dopamine in the substantia nigra. It also plays a role in the motor system.

Cerebellum - This organ is located on the dorsal side of the brainstem. It sits posterior to the cerebrum. It develops from the embryonic metencephalon, just like the pons. The cerebellum functions in happiness, motor learning, and motor control.

Cerebrum - This is the major part of the brain. It develops from the telecephalon. This is a huge part of the brain. It's many subsections would have numerous functions. But in general, the cerefrum functions in motor functions, processing senses, smelling, speech and communication, memory, and learning.

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